I am running for City Council to move past the recent dissension and dysfunction in city government, and get real things done to make a difference in the lives of every resident of District 6. I want to keep our neighborhoods safe places to live, thrive, and raise a family.
Crime & Public Safety
The most important priority for city government is to make sure Berkeley families can live in safety and security. As a parent of two young kids who attend Berkeley public schools, nothing is more important to me.
That’s why, as a member of the Police Accountability Board, I am working to improve oversight of the police department, assess police policies and procedures, and ensure BPD has sufficient budget – allocated in the most effective way – to keep our community safe.
On the City Council, I will make public safety a top priority, ensuring the Berkeley Police Department is well-resourced to protect our community. At the same time, I will push to expand new modern approaches for effective policing like the Specialized Care Unit (to address mental health crises during service calls) and Project Ceasefire (working with community groups to prevent gun violence) and provide oversight and transparency to keep the department accountable to all residents.
Fire Safety
The risk of wildfire in the Berkeley Hills is nothing new, but the threat grows every year.
Building on the leadership of Councilmember Susan Wengraf, I believe we need to take a holistic approach to protecting residents and businesses in District 6 from wildfire.
On the prevention front, I will work with key stakeholders (including residents, the Berkeley Fire Department, East Bay Regional Park District, and UC Berkeley) to reduce flammable vegetation in the Hills. I will also encourage residents to create more defensible space around their homes, including forming Firewise Community programs in as many neighborhoods as possible.
I will work with Berkeley’s Fire & Public Works departments to ensure clear evacuation routes are established, communicated, and maintained for all residents. I will also ensure the City of Berkeley holds regular emergency drills so residents and first responders are prepared for the next wildfire or earthquake.
Finally, I will lead the effort to ensure Berkeley residents continue to have access to affordable homeowners insurance policies, regardless of where they live.
Safe Streets & Sidewalks
In District 6, streets often serve as sidewalks – and critical evacuation routes – which is why I have joined other Berkeleyans to draft, qualify, and pass a measure to expedite street repair and enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety.
On the City Council, I will strengthen the City’s commitment to street repair and safety, while prioritizing District 6 streets and sidewalks in most urgent need of repair.
School Safety
As the father of two elementary school kids, Chair of the Cragmont School Site Council, and co-founder of MOSS (Make Our Schools Safe), I am passionate about making sure that our school campuses are as safe as possible.
That’s why the Superintendent recently named me to BUSD’s new district-wide safety committee. We must do more in our neighborhoods and on our school sites to make sure our campuses and facilities are safe.
I will continue leading the charge on this work by making sure BUSD, the Berkeley Fire Department, Berkeley Police Department, and the Department of Public Works work effectively to prevent gun violence, traffic accidents, and other threats on and around our school campuses – while making sure we’re prepared with plans and procedures to respond swiftly in case of an emergency.
Affordable Housing
Berkeley should remain a diverse and vibrant place where everyone is welcome. That means building more housing that more Berkeley residents and families can afford – especially near transit stops and along key arterial streets that can support greater housing density.
If we succeed, more of our teachers, firefighters, and police officers will be able to live and work here. And we can help Berkeley’s unhoused residents secure more permanent places to live.
On the City Council, I will be a champion for building more housing at all price points -- affordable housing, "missing middle" housing, and market rate housing -- distributed more equitably across Berkeley, and ensure that Berkeley fulfills the commitment we made in our 2023 Housing Element. I also support rent stabilization and other common-sense tenant protection measures to help make housing affordable to all Berkeley residents.
Housing is a human right.
Building more affordable housing is one important element of addressing homelessness. Equally important, however, is delivering necessary support services – including drug treatment and mental healthcare – to help unhoused residents successfully transition to safe and stable living environments.
As a member of the City Council, I will work tirelessly to address the challenge of homelessness – so anyone who wants to live in Berkeley, can live in Berkeley.